live free: Earthship Biotecture

I kind of like that concept there. The thing is, the concept involves building this building... how we run the crew, how we make money, how we run around the world doing whatever. Our stain on whatever is around us is what we are. This is way more comprehensive than just a business. A business is not my real motivation. My motivation is to turn this planet into just a most unbelievably beautiful living being which it was before humans came here but have humans participate in that. That is really what I want to do., desde mi punto de vista es el referente en bioarquitectura en el mundo. Tocan todos los aspectos de una vivienda bioclimática, sus viviendas son baratas, autosuficientes, cero emisiones, el 45 % de sus materiales son de reciclaje, tienen presencia internacional y su modelo de negocio en si mismo parece muy sólido. Ellos mismos con sus agresivos claims expanden su idea viralmente. 

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